10 Things about dogs

5 Things You Don’t Need to Teach Your Dog……..

  1. To love you utterly and without judgement

  2. To miss you like crazy when you are not around

  3. To desperately want anything that makes you happy

  4. To be 100% committed to what makes you smile and laugh

  5. To commiserate and mourn with you in times of sadness

5 Things You Never Want Your Dog To Know……….

  1. Real hunger or thirst

  2. Fear, pain or trauma from any human

  3. Rejection or withholding of affection

  4. Punishment or cruelty

  5. Loneliness

That is the incredible beauty of a dog, we don’t have to do anything to be his HEAVEN ON EARTH. It takes effort to be his HELL. Think about it!


I want to help, but can I really make a difference? Yes, you can!


Roger's Story